B.S. Business Forensics
Credit Hours
Max Transfer Credit
Class Type
100% online, 6 & 12-week courses
Next Start Date
Feb 19, 2024
Cost Per Credit

Boost your competitive advantage with a business forensics degree

Fraudulent activity, such as cash skimming, larcency, financial manipulation and billing schemes are at an all-time high. At best, such fraudulent activity can cripple business; at worst, it can crush it. Enter business forensics professionals, the CSIs of the business world. Advance your career while helping thwart white-collar crime with our transfer-friendly business forensics degree program.

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IACBE Accredited

Our program follows best-practice standards for business education.


Gain foundational CFE knowledge while you earn your degree.

Forensics Meets Business

Broaden your business knowledge and gain forensics experience.

Real-World Practitioners

Learn from experienced business professionals.

100% Online Classes

Earn your degree around your schedule.

Program Overview

Expose occupational fraud and questionable business practices

Franklin University’s Business Forensics Program will uniquely prepare you to identify, resolve, and prevent fraudulent corporate activity. You'll study organizational behavior while learning how to identify questionable business practices, communicate fraud findings, and maintain high standards of business ethics.

Broaden your business knowledge while gaining forensics expertise

Because having a solid understanding of business operations is critical in the detection of fraud, our curriculum is built upon a business administration core. You’ll be solidly grounded in disciplines such as accounting, finance, management, and business law, providing you with the business breadth essential for spotting fraud-oriented red flags.

Major area coursework is forensics-focused, featuring fraud examination, such as how and why white-collar crimes are committed; interviewing techniques, including what, when, and how to conduct an investigative interview; legal elements, including applicable laws and court procedures; and corporate governance and internal control assessment, including fraud deterrence practices.

And to provide you with the most up-to-date skills sought by employers, we incorporate the latest industry trends into our relevant curriculum, including data and social media mining, and electronic evidence collection.

Get a jump start on preparing for professional certification

At Franklin, you’ll receive realistic, hands-on experience through a variety of interviewing and investigative project assignments. And, you’ll learn how to analyze a case, and compose a detailed fraud report complete with supporting elements. At the end of your coursework, you’ll possess the foundational knowledge necessary to sit for professional certification exams, such as the CFE (Certified Fraud Examiner), a well-regarded and desirable designation among employers.

Gain valuable forensics insight from actual practitioners

We closely evaluate the credentials of every one of our accounting professors, ensuring that each has relevant educational background, work experience, and professional certification. Classes are taught by faculty who are actual business forensics practitioners, so you’ll reap the benefits of their years of field experience—including learning from their mistakes so you don’t repeat them.

And, Franklin’s Business Forensics Program is accredited by the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), the leader in outcomes-based accreditation in business, so you know you’re earning a respected degree with value in the workplace.

Earn your degree from a university built for busy adults

Earn your degree on your terms by taking classes 100% online. Accredited and nonprofit, Franklin was built from the ground-up to satisfy the needs of adult learners. Our seamless transfer process and team of academic advisors will help ease your transition to becoming a student, while our flexible course schedules help to balance your education with work family and life. Get started on your future today.

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Stacy McCathran

B.S. Business Forensics

"This has been a great experience for me. I not only have the opportunity to gain experience that will help me with my own career goals, I get to help the community by providing guidance that will help them for years to come."

IACBE Accredited Program

The Ross College of Business at Franklin University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through the International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE) located at 11960 Quivira Road, Suite 300, Overland Park, Kansas, USA. For a list of accredited programs please view our member status page.

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Future Start Date

Start dates for individual programs may vary and are subject to change. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Spring 2024
Recommended Register By:
Feb 9
Spring 2024
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Mar 22
Summer 2024
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May 10
Summer 2024
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Jun 21
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Aug 9
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Sep 20
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Nov 1

Your Best Value B.S. Business Forensics

Choose Franklin's accredited B.S. Business Forensics and get a high-quality degree that fits your life and budget.     

Keep the Credit You've Earned


On average, students transfer more than half of the credits required.

Transfer MORE Credits, Pay LESS tuition*

Max Transfer Credits
Avg Transfer Credits
*$398 per credit, 124 Total Credits, 94 maximum transfer credits, 78 average transfer credits.

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Previously earned credit saves you time toward your degree. 

Completion time is calculated based on full-time status and average transfer credits. 


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Curriculum & Course Descriptions

124 Semester Hours
Fundamental General Education
English Composition
ENG 120 - College Writing (4)

In this course, students acquire the writing competence necessary for conducting and presenting research. A variety of assignments, beginning with personal reflections, build upon one another, as students develop ideas that respond to, critique, and synthesize the positions of others. Students systematize and organize knowledge in ways that will help them in all of their courses. The course also emphasizes the elements of good writing style, appropriate grammar and mechanics, clarity of language, and logical and cohesive development. It culminates in submission of a documented research paper.

MATH 215 - Statistical Concepts (4)

This course introduces the student to statistics with business applications. The course covers both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics included are: measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion; graphical displays of data; linear regression; basic probability concepts; binomial and normal probability distributions; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing. These topics will be covered using a basic knowledge of algebra and Microsoft Excel. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).

Choose either MATH 140 Introduction to Quantitative Reasoning or MATH 150 Fundamental Algebra as the prerequisite to MATH 215. Course can count as a University Elective.

Social and Behavioral Sciences
ECON 220 - Introduction to Macroeconomics (4)

An introduction to economic theory involving the basic underlying causes and principles of the operation of an economic system. Emphasis is placed on studying the economy as a whole. Issues of inflation, unemployment, taxation, business cycles and growth are discussed in the context of the global economic system.

2 credits from the following types of courses:
Choose from the Anthropology, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology disciplines.


6 credits from the following types of courses:
Two courses from the Science discipline. One course must have a lab component.

Arts & Humanities
HUMN 210 - Intro to Logic & Critical Thinking Skill (2)

The goal of this course is to help you improve as a critical, logical thinker. You will be introduced to the art of formulating and assessing arguments according to the standards of logical thinking and critical analysis. You will discover how to apply these valuable skills to your studies and everyday life, learning how to overcome obstacles to critical thinking, and how to avoid being deceived by means of misleading reasoning.

4 credits from the following types of courses:
Choose from the Art, English Literature, Fine Arts, Humanities, Music, Philosophy, Religion or Theater disciplines.

Additional General Education
PF 121 - Basic Learning Strategies (2)

This course introduces students to the Franklin University community and provides strategies for successful transition to and participation in that community. Topics include University resources and procedures, strategies for advancing communication skills, the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments, and the development of an academic and career plan.

OR PF 321 - Learning Strategies (2)

This course prepares students to be successful lifelong learners both academically and in their chosen careers. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferable between the two environments. The course includes strategies for advancing communication skills, including the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments. The assignments and activities in the course are created to closely simulate teamwork found in the workplace.

COMM 150 - Interpersonal Communication (4)

By using applied critical and creative thinking, students in this course will develop a set of communication skills that will enhance their personal and professional relationships and endeavors. This course will focus on skill development in key areas such as self, perception, listening, verbal messages, conversations, relationships, conflict management, persuasion, and public speaking.

OR SPCH 100 - Speech Communication (4)

This public-speaking course emphasizes the fundamentals of extemporaneous speaking. Skill-building activities and assignments focus on research, organization, reasoning, style and delivery of presentations as well as listening and audience engagement.

PF 106 - Introduction to Spreadsheets (1)

This course focuses on using spreadsheets to solve business applications.

3 credits from the following types of courses:
Any General Education course at the 100 or 200 level

Major Foundational
ACCT 215 - Financial Accounting (4)

An introduction to accounting emphasizing how general purpose financial statements communicate information about the business corporation's performance and position for users external to management. Approximately one third of the course emphasizes how the accountant processes and presents the information and includes exposure to recording transactions, adjusting balances and preparing financial statements for service and merchandise firms according to established rules and procedures. The balance of the course examines major elements of the statements such as cash, receivables, inventory, long-lived assets, depreciation, payroll, bonds, and other liabilities and stocks. Concepts of this course are applied to Managerial Accounting (ACCT 225). Students are advised to avoid any time lapse between these courses.

ACCT 225 - Managerial Accounting (4)

The study of management accounting for internal reporting and decision-making. The course introduces a business-management approach to the development and use of accounting information. Major topics include cost behavior, cost analysis, profit planning and control measures. Accounting for decentralized operations, capital budgeting decisions, and ethical challenges in managerial accounting are also covered.

BSAD 220 - Business Law (4)

A study of the everyday legal problems encountered in business with emphasis on the areas of legal procedure, contracts, agency, employment law, business organizations and torts, with cases relating to these and other areas.

ECON 210 - Introduction to Microeconomics (4)

An introduction to economic theory involving the examination of how decision making by firms and individuals is shaped by economic forces. Emphasis is placed on demand, supply, market equilibrium analysis, and basic market structure models. The invisible hand as the driving force for economic decisions as well as market externalities are discussed. The class concentrates on providing a balanced approach to studying economic agents' behavior and the global implications and outcomes.

FINA 301 - Principles of Finance (4)

This course is designed to survey the field of finance and provide the foundation for more advanced finance coursework. Topics include sources of business and financial information, financial statement analysis, the time value of money, the nature and measurement of risk, financial institutions, investments and corporate finance.

MGMT 312 - Principles of Management (4)

This course explores the basic concepts and processes of management. Students will explore the functional roles and processes of planning, leading, organizing, and controlling comprising the manager role. Students develop skills related to the manager function that are required in today's competitive environment.

MKTG 300 - Marketing (4)

Theory, strategies and methods are foundational to the informed practice of marketing. Students investigate the importance of marketing to an organization or cause, the interrelationship of the difference phases of marketing, the marketing of goods versus services, analysis and identification of markets, pricing strategies and digital marketing tactics.

Major Area Required
BSAD 320 - Quant & Qual Methods for Decision Making (4)

This course focuses on the development of individual and team decision-making and problem solving skills. Real world domestic and global issues will be analyzed, diagnosed, and evaluated through the application of a variety of quantitative and qualitative tools and techniques used to arrive at effective decisions and solutions.

BSAD 460 - Business Ethics for Leaders (4)

This course focuses on the application and evaluation of scholarly articles, case studies, and real-life ethical dilemmas using an ethical decision-making model. Students will evaluate personal value systems; individual, leadership driven, organizational, and community ethical issues; and the social responsibilities of global organizations. The course will culminate in an in-depth analysis of a real-life ethical dilemma based on an authentic organization.

ACCT 341 - Fraud Examination (4)

This course provides an overview of the behavioral research associated with occupational fraud and the methodology of fraud examination (i.e., obtaining documentary evidence, interviewing witnesses and potential suspects, writing investigative reports, testifying to findings, and forensic document examination). The majority of the course is focused on detecting the most common types of occupational fraud, determining how each type of fraud is committed, and implementing prevention strategies. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).

BSFR 495 - Business Foren/Forensic Account Capstone (4)

This course serves as the Capstone for the Forensic Accounting and Business Forensics majors. The purpose of this course is to evaluate and integrate all prior learning in Forensic Accounting, Business Forensics, related coursework, and workplace experiences that will enable a professional fraud examiner to plan and report the results of a fraud examination, to assess the internal control environment of an organization with regard to controls that will detect and prevent fraudulent activities, and to perform in accordance with accepted ethical principles and practices.

ACCT 346 - Interview Techniques and Legal Elements in Fraud Investigations (4)

This course provides an overview of techniques and strategies used in interviewing and interrogation of witnesses and suspects. In addition, it explores the legal issues associated with fraud investigations and the criminal and civil legal systems under which perpetrators are judged. Note, this course has proctored exam(s).

ACCT 344 - Corp Gvrnc/Intrnl Control Assessment (4)

This course starts with an overview of key legislation and guidelines associated with corporate governance. This includes analyzing the components of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations? (COSO) internal control framework, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 99, and the role of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB). However, the primary focus of the course is on identifying, documenting, analyzing, and testing internal controls in an organization as part of an effective fraud prevention program.

ACCT 347 - Forensic Communication (4)

Forensic accounting and fraud examination require the engagement of many skills. The focus of this course is to acquire experience in one of the most important skills?communication. You will learn and review some of the other skills such as interviewing and investigation. You will then practice methods of communication employed in various situations that you could encounter in your career, including written and verbal communication.

Major Electives

At least 12 credits from the following courses:

ACCT 310 - Intermediate Accounting I (4)

The first of two in-depth financial accounting courses. Theory, the conceptual framework, development of generally accepted accounting principles, and applications are stressed. Topics include the income statement, the statement of cash flows and the balance sheet, specifically asset accounts.

ACCT 320 - Intermediate Accounting II (4)

The second of two in-depth financial accounting courses. Theory, concepts and applications are stressed. Topics include time value of money, current and non-current liabilities, leases, deferred taxes, retirement benefits, stockholders, equity, earning per share, accounting changes and errors, and statement of cash flows.

ACCT 330 - Cost Management (4)

This course is an in-depth study of cost accounting focusing on its role in internal reporting and the resulting decision-making processes. Students will evaluate the foundation, ethics and basic costing systems employed in the management accounting profession; analyze budgeting, cost behavior, pricing and profitability concepts and principles; determine how cost allocations, product quality, and investment decisions are applied by management accountants; determine how current trends in various industries impact cost accounting; and demonstrate knowledge that is in accordance with the educational requirements for the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) exam.

ACCT 360 - Government & Not for Profit Accounting (4)

This course is designed to provide a framework for understanding the special accounting and reporting requirements of nonprofit organizations. The emphasis is on reporting concepts and budgeting principles for governmental and nonprofit economic entities.

ACCT 470 - Auditing (4)

A study of the planning, evidence gathering, internal control review, sampling, and application of procedures used to audit assets, liabilities, equity and related income statement accounts of a profit-oriented enterprise. Includes an evaluation of the audit profession including professional standards, ethics and liability of CPAs. Also includes a student-prepared audit case for hands-on application of audit procedures. The reporting requirements for compilation and review services and a thorough study of the types of audit opinions will also be studied. In addition, an audit research paper is required.

ACCT 445 - Accounting Data Analytics (4)

Data analytics is changing the face of business and will play an increasing role in decision-making and financial statement audits. In this course, students will learn the process used in data analytics. Students will also gain hands-on practice in using data analytics to provide information for decision-making. The course provides an overview of different tools used in Data Analytics.

University Electives

20 credits from the following types of courses:
Any undergraduate courses offered by the University except developmental education courses. ACCT 202 can not be taken for credit.

Additional Requirements

All students are required to pass College Writing (ENG 120), and either Basic Learning Strategies (PF 121) or Learning Strategies (PF 321) prior to enrolling in any course at the 200 level or above. Students who enroll at Franklin with 30 or fewer hours of transfer credit are required to pass PF 121 Basic Learning Strategies in place of PF 321 Learning Strategies. Interpersonal Communication (COMM 150) or Speech Communication (SPCH 100) must be taken prior to enrolling in any course at the 300 level or above. Students must also meet the University algebra competency requirement.

Academic Minors

Personalize your degree with a minor. Explore available minors, learn how minors can benefit you, and find out what requirements you must meet to earn a minor.

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Career Opportunities

Private Investigator

Private investigators conduct systematic and thorough investigations on behalf of individuals or groups and report their findings on cases involving fraud, false claims, civil proceedings and more.

Loss Prevention Manager

Loss Prevention Managers create and enforce security protocols to help protect a company’s products, services, or finances against theft, fraud, and abuse.

Litigation Specialist

Litigation Specialists assist attorneys with the litigation process by producing, coordinating, and filing legal documents.

Law Enforcement Detective

Law Enforcement Detectives direct the collection of physical and forensic evidence, and investigate alleged criminal acts in order to prevent or solve criminal cases.

Internal Auditor

Internal Auditors evaluate operating guidelines, controls, and procedures to ensure compliance with policies, standards, and regulatory requirements.

Independent Fraud Examiner

Independent Fraud Examiners conduct data analysis and disseminate information to identify instances of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

Government Fraud Investigator

Government Fraud Investigators collect and analyze evidence of potentially fraudulent acts that result in the receipt or appropriation of public, insurance, or government funds.

Forensic Analyst

Forensic Analysts collect and analyze evidence related to criminal investigations.

Employment Outlook


From 2021-2031 jobs in Business Forensics are expected to increase by 5%.

All Occupations

21,366,693 jobs
22,481,983 jobs
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Human Resources Specialists

868,473 jobs
953,774 jobs

Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists

764,934 jobs
906,202 jobs

Project Management Specialists and Business Operations Specialists, All Other

1,571,499 jobs
1,697,142 jobs

Source information provided by Lightcast.

Knowledge & Skillsets

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